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  • NEF is Proud to Support the Start2Finish Backpack Program

    We're excited to announce that NEF is once again backing the Start2Finish Backpack Program, which provides essential school supplies to thousands of Canadian kids who start the school year without the necessary tools.

    Every September, Start2Finish collaborates with school boards and local administrators to identify children in marginalized communities across Canada who are most in need.

    The program helps "even the playing field" by equipping students with backpacks filled with 6 months' worth of supplies, setting them up for a successful school year and beyond.

    This year, our amazing NEF team collected $668 and worked together to fill 90 backpacks with all the essentials!

    We are proud to be a part of this incredible initiative, helping to empower the next generation.

  • Pre-Production Prototype and Per Print Collaboration

    In automotive manufacturing, the highly competitive journey from concept to market-ready product involves numerous critical stages. One of the most crucial phases in this process is the development of pre-production prototypes. These prototypes serve as a starting point from design to mass production, ensuring that every detail of a new vehicle is carefully conceived before it hits the market. One of our clients was looking for a pre-production prototype to validate their proof of concept. They came to our sister company, Omni Fasteners, to help them in the process of building a prototype for a compression limiter.

    The Role of Pre-Production Prototypes
    Pre-production prototypes allow manufacturers to evaluate the design of a product in real-world conditions. This prototype stage is crucial for identifying any aesthetic or functional issues that may not have been visible during the digital design phase. Adjustments can be made to ensure the final product meets company and customer standards. Engineers test prototypes to evaluate the performance, safety, and durability of each piece. This can help fine tune a component to ensure optimal results. Pre-production also helps optimize the manufacturing process, to identify any production issues or assembly difficulties so that problems can be addressed before production begins.

    Read more: Pre-Production Prototype and Per Print Collaboration

  • Stronger Together with DSG

    Gexpro Services is a part DSG, a best-in-class specialty distribution company providing high-touch, value-added distribution solutions to the MRO (Lawson Products) OEM (Gexpro Services), and Industrial Technologies verticals (Test Equity and Hisco) in a diversified set of end markets. We take a solutions-based approach to serving our customers the way they want to be served.

    Read more: Stronger Together with DSG

  • NEF Charitable Initiatives

    NEF Charitable Initiatives: Operation Christmas Child

    This weekend, NEF transformed our boardroom into a bustling hub of generosity for Operation Christmas Child. Thanks to the incredible spirit of giving from both our dedicated employees and the company itself, we're thrilled to share that 182 shoeboxes are now brimming with love and headed to children around the world who might not otherwise have a present to unwrap this Christmas.

    Read more: NEF Charitable Initiatives

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